Copland Valley   

A long beautiful valley on the West Coast. There is a track that goes all the way to a basin below the Copland Pass at the head of the valley.

Where Track Time Total
Road to start of Welcome flat  Good track 7 hours
To basin under Copland pass (1400m) Good track, but overgrown in parts  7 hours 14 hours
To Copland Pass Scree, snow, and steep rock 3 hours 17 hours
Return   15 hours 32 hours
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Below Castle Rock Hut

Click on a thumbnail to view a larger version.
NZ2006 NZ2004 NZ0537 NZ1963 NZ2002
Track Waterfall Rata Ruera Rocks
NZ2001 NZ1999 NZ1996 NZ0544 NZ1966
Up valley Welcome Flat Scott creek Valley head Side stream

Above Castle Rock Hut

NZ1971 NZ1973 NZ1975 NZ1990
Copland pass Across river Camp Down valley
NZ1984 NZ1982 NZ0547 NZ1979
Sefton massif Banks range Banks range Copland pass
Except after heavy rain, it used to be possible to rock-hop all the streams on the way to Welcome Flat Hut, but DOC destroyed the tracks that made this possible. They should be restored.

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